Your Race Nutrition Plan


Do you practice your race nutrition & hydration plan? If not, what are you waiting for?!

“Never try anything new on race day” is a motto I live by and here is why …

GI issues during a race won’t help!

Food and supplements sit differently for everyone. Unexpected GI issues will slow you down, or worse, have you not finishing the course that day.

Is your race nutrition and hydration plan enough?

Most clients I work with are under-fueling and/or under-hydrating. This might be “fine” during a shorter race, BUT, when we talk about marathons and ultra-endurance events (ultrarunning, triathlons), that plan won’t cut it! The #1 reason I see people unsuccessfully completing endurance events is because of a poor fueling or hydration plan.

How’s your mindset?

Going into race day, most people are anxious or nervous. Your nutrition should NOT be the worry on race day. You can easily nail this down during your training and be worry-free about the concerns above on race day!

The major focus of your in race nutrition plan should focus on adequate carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen or energy used, especially when the race is >90 minutes in length. Additionally, fluids and electrolytes are a major piece to any race nutrition plan. Poor hydration planning during a race is often the #1 reason I see endurance athletes struggle.

What do I suggest to my clients looking to develop a race nutrition plan?

Aim for ~30-60g carbohydrates per hour, and if you participate in ultra-endurance events upwards of 90g/hr may be more appropriate. When going beyond 60-90g carbohydrates per hour, the carbohydrate source should come from a mix of maltodextrin, glucose and fructose to maximize carbohydrate absorption.

Aim for 16-24oz fluid per hour. Keep in mind, if these fluids have carbohydrates/sugars, you can count towards #1!

Don’t forget your electrolytes – sodium is the largest electrolyte lost in your sweat; include at least 300-500mg per hour. If you are a salty sweater, you may need more sodium in your drink or fuel.

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