One-on-One Nutrition Coaching

We believe that as an athlete and active person, building a foundation in your nutrition and health is of the highest importance. You cannot pour from an empty cup!

We help our clients build a solid foundation through practical nutrition strategies.  We will work on supporting your body to improve the way you feel daily AND how you feel and perform in sport. This is done through creating awareness in your current habits and identifying gaps that may be holding you back from your full potential. From there, we help you build out a roadmap to achieve your goals. You will learn so much about yourself in this process and develop the skills necessary to master your own nutrition for your active lifestyle.

Nutrition coaching with Natalie Robertello

What’s Included

With One-on-One Nutrition Coaching

Personalized guidance, rooted in science, with practical application.
Personalized plan of action, specific to your needs & goals.

Together, we work to develop a solid health & nutrition framework, incorporating sports nutrition specific strategies to support your active lifestyle.

4 months working together through your unique nutrition roadmap.
Access to content library (recipes, video trainings, meal ideas, and more!)
Private support via direct and voice chat between sessions.

 Who is One-on-One Nutrition Coaching for?

Our nutrition programming IS for active humans who:

  • Want to optimize your nutrition to bring out your fullest potential in your sport or exercise.
  • Want to feel more confident in your choices and your body.
  • Desire flexibility and want to welcome all foods that help you feel your best, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.
  • Want to adopt a positive feeling & relationship with food & movement.
  • Are open to a holistic approach that extends beyond food (we also work on stress & sleep management).
  • Have struggled with injuries and GI issues and can’t seem to break free from the cycle.

Our nutrition program is NOT for active humans who:

  • Aren’t willing to do the inner work using a holistic approach.
  • You want a strict meal plan or to be told what to eat daily
  • Are focused on achieving a specific weight at any cost.
  • Those currently in need of intensive treatment for an eating disorder.

What clients are saying…

“I’ve been running almost my entire life and something that always set me back was nutrition. I would get so far but then I couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink, and then my energy levels just crashed! 3 weeks ago, I started working 1:1 with Natalie, owner of BeFueled Sports Nutrition. In just that short time she gave me the tips I needed to achieve a MAJOR 50 mile PR. I drank and ate more than I ever have in a run”

2021 has some big goals and I’m so excited to continue working with Natalie. If she could so SO MUCH in just 3 weeks, I cannot wait to see what she’ll do with almost a full year!”

— BJ, New York

“I have noticed an increase in energy, I don’t get fatigued during workouts like I used to, and I recover so much faster post workout. I have really hit the ground running taking on new challenges and knowing I can handle it with confidence!”
— KB, New York

“Since starting is the mindset I have towards my nutrition. I have a schedule I follow that has helped me keep up my daily nutrition intake and it has only benefited me. I feel stronger and also better mentally. I have more energy and motivation to not only want to eat but to also help my body so that I can reach my goals of where I want to be.”
— LB, New York

“I learned I need to look at food as fueling my body for my workouts and since I’ve been able to do that I have seen positive changes in my body both physically and mentally. I’m eating more per day than I was and I have more energy and I feel MUCH stronger.”
— NC, New York

“Natalie has helped me transform the way I think about food. No food is off-limits and nothing is bad anymore. This has been a huge win for me because I have started to be able to mentally release myself from feeling like my approach to eating meals has to be restrictive, and now I just ask myself what will make me feel fueled and ready for the day.”
— MA, Connecticut

The best way to put this is that I have a lot of money on fitness with trainers and plans etc, but working with Natalie has produced the highest, most benefits of those fitness investments. Working with Natalie was indeed an investment.”
— MW, New York

You want to take your performance to the next level, and I want to help you do it!

If this sounds like the right program for you, click the link below to fill out the coaching application & to set up your free “get to know each other” phone call.